

I just realised my bio somehow got cut in half in transmission.

For the record, and at the risk of seeming overweeningly self important, here it is again.  You all can delete as you like!


Alison Croggonšs poetry has been published widely in anthologies and magazines in Australia and overseas.  Her first book of poems, This is the Stone, won the 1991 Anne Elder and Dame Mary Gilmore Prizes. Her novel Navigatio , published by Black Pepper Press, was highly commended in the 1995 Australian/Vogel literary awards and is being translated for publication in France.  Her second book of poems, The Blue Gate, was released in 1997 and was shortlisted for the Victorian Premieršs Poetry Prize.  Her theatre work includes the operas Gauguin (Melbourne Festival 2000) and The Burrow  (Perth Festival, Sydney, Melbourne 1994-95 and broadcast by ABC Radio), and the plays Lenz (Melbourne Festival 1996), Samarkand and The Famine (Red Shed Company, Adelaide 1997 and ABC Radio 1998).  She wrote lyrics for Confidentially Yours (Playbox Theatre 1998, Hong Kong Festival 1999).  Many of her poems have been set to music by various composers, including Smetanin (Skinless Kiss of Angels, Elision New Music Emsemble), Christine McCombe and Margaret Legge-Wilkinson (Canberra New Music Ensemble). She was poetry editor for Overland Extra (1992), Modern Writing (1992-1994) and Voices (1996) and founding editor of the literary arts journal Masthead.  She was recently the 2000 Australia Council writer in residence at Cambridge University, UK.  A book of poetry, Divinations, will be published by Arc Books in the UK next year, and Salt/Folio is publishing her translations of Rainer Maria Rilkešs Duino Elegies.  With Michael Smetanin, she is working in their third opera, The White Army.