

Jeffrey wrote: "They say: a little education is a dangerous thing."

It was Pasolini who, in the Sixties, became the author of the famously
controversial poem "I hate you, students", in which he was addressing the
protesters (the students)  who would fight against the police (the
carabinieri), stating that, in fact, it was the poor twenty years
old "carabiniere" (policemen) he felt more sympathetic with, - for being
the real dispossessed, son of the real deprived proletariat, a youngster
who, having left school, had joined the army out of necessity to support
the family (sisters brothers parents uncles and grandparents),  having no
other option of employment than to become a state "slave", -  and not the
upper class, or middle class revolutionaries (young wealthy people often
coming from educated and wealthy middle to upper-class family backgrounds).
Well, being Pssolini a real Communist writer, you can well imagine the
reaction people had towards this statement. And who deeply its real sense
was forerunning the times.

(It was Marx who sees that revolutions are conceived by the
Lumpenintelligenzija, and it was him stating too that the lumpen-
proletariat is, in fact, most often, "reactionary".)

(Nota bene: to call me “homophobic” , after all I said about transexuality,
is like calling “shark steak”  the sweet see melon, meaning that one has
never seen a shark steak, nor tasted a sweet see melon).
