

Friends of Poetryetc,
In recent posts Richard Dillon equates me & Douglas Clark with terrorists. To provoke this attack, I have said nothing except that I was praying for the souls of the dead. Douglas' use of the word "brilliant" was a cold but accurate description of the planning behind yesterday's attacks. In any case, apparently, the moderators of this list now allow speech in this forum which not only seeks to incite violence, but racist speech as well (see Dillon's recent posts re: "towel-heads"). This goes on while I have been warned backchannel that I have been "abusive" toward Mr. Dillon & that my posts to the list's moderators calling for his removal for clear violation of list rules against bigotry are unwelcome. This warning effectively equates my posts with Dillon's. I leave it to the members of this community to decide if that is true, but this is no place for me. The fact that Kent Johnson could be removed for an essentially technical reason & because he offended Candice Ward's ego & Richard Dillon not removed for bigotry is morally offensive. In addition to Kent, Candice has now driven Henry Gould & Peter Howard from the list. That's good company. Count me in, boys. Finally, Mr. Dillon tells us in a recent post just exactly where he stands & then asks me where I stand. I don't care if Richard Dillon stands up to his armpits in his own rotten asshole & you are all welcome to join him there if that is your wish; I stand on the side of life. Hand me down my walking shoes. 

Joseph Duemer
School of Liberal Arts, 5750 
Clarkson University
Potsdam NY 13699