

On Thursday 26 July 2001 07:05, you wrote:
> What a lovely title -- Puts me in mind of another title that I know :Blue
> Dog Plus

All this talk about White dog sonnets is making me hang out to read them
again worst then a junkie craving a fix.

_White dog sonnets_ is a series of sonnets published in a short chap book
which tell the story of a love affair. What happens with duration, space and
voice as point of view with the demolition of p.o.v and voice as  realist
narrative devices in this narrative series was very important to me in
thinking of new types of narrative as a series of plateaus. Each sonnet is a

If only in terms of new types of narrative poetry in Aust, this book is well
worth a new edition. I have heard the series described as postmodern sonnets
but don't want to go there. Criticism of the book has also tended to separate
the subject matter which is the story of a lesbian love affair from the
formal poetics in favour of discussing the later. As a result some criticism
alleges formal weaknesses in the work, thus disparaging it. (Not only is
such criticism homophobic but  is covering up its own critical inabilities in
understanding the narrative, I would suggest.)

Must I beg some more yet for a new edition?

Chris Jones.

(Speaking of Aust sonnets, has Martin Johnston's sonnet squares been
published in any recent collection? I think that was what they were called
and I'd also like to read them again. John Tranter, if you are out there or