

Latest, with which I'm pleased ... Any response? ...

Tuna Melt

He liked such places more than he could say.
A mumbling speedfreak busboy cleared away
the old, slapped down a new soiled fork and plate.
The wrinkled waitress, focusing her hate,
mistook his order, meanwhile loosely pouring
some cloudy lukewarm stuff he sat adoring,
tasting the walls, the clientele, the grill.
He peered and ate delightedly until
the shadow of the offices across
the street dispersed as if the sun were boss
for fifteen minutes, looking in.  He waited.
The coming horror could not be overstated.
It might take place outside, where ambulances,
tour-buses, cruisers, cabs were taking chances
past lesser vehicles, and passersby
at great unconscious length prepared to die
while, armed, an as-yet unembodied grin
began to light … It might occur within.
Or not.  That place is safe, if any is,
whose sadness welcomes other sadnesses.
That place is good, is home, which lets one sit,
will never close till someone closes it,
and fills your cup unasked while you think, vaguely:
evil is better than being simply ugly.