

Whew, Martin, way overreacting to my post on Graham, only a single sentence
of which referred to your "flip remark" and specifically as a "brush-off"
(wasn't it?) and as less than engaged critically (wasn't it?). How you
elaborated this into a charge of sexism or where you found "various
professorial putdowns" in it I can't imagine. But I'm very sorry to have
hurt your feelings in any case, so please accept my apology.

Recent events have probably left us all with frayed edges, and I'll
certainly try to be more sensitive to my tone--and less to yours, Martin--
but not because of any role differential that privileges your flip remarks
over mine.    <-----(I would put a smiley here if I could remember how to
make one, but with my luck I'd probably unwittingly use the punctuation mark
for "Hegelian.")

My thanks to Harriet as well for contributing the review, and I want to pick
up on what she says about Graham's reading in terms of what I'm calling her
philosophical poetry when I post and comment on a poem later. (Don't wait on
me, though, if anyone else wants to talk about her work and quote some
excerpts from it.)

