

Want also to put in a word for Kim Addonizio, whose new book, Tell Me,
is as good as her first, The Philosopher's Club.  Long poem in between
wasn't, I think, successful - characters have everything stacked against
them from the start and go from zero to minus ten.  But her short poems
are feisty, engaged, humorous, various.  And there's a poem in The
Philosopher's Club that is, in my experience, far and away the sexiest
poem ever written by a woman.

Very different but also good, thoughtful: Lucia Perillo, new selected.

Rereading Jim Daniels, poet of work, workers, unemployment and the grey
horror of Detroit - has the pay-for-each-word spareness I like, much
less rhetoric than older fellow-Detroiter Phil Levine.  I recommend
anything of his.

Carcanet some years back brought out a collection by John Peck, Argura -
dense, knotty, worth the work.