

less enforceable than when you publish in print
and that's not very enforceable

I suspect but don't know that in Australia copyright is much the same as UK
that you have copyright whether you publish the copyright claim or not

but if someone decides to steal your work then you are largely stuffed
unless you have the money to chase them through courts

expensive enough when you are in the same country


----- Original Message -----
From: "Printmaker" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: 28 July 2001 10:22
Subject: copyright

| Hi folks
| A little advice please?  When work is displayed on a website
| with the notice
| Copyright etc (name). Then how enforceable is this and would
| the copyright also include the name of the site? Aussie law
| of course.
| Someone has registered a company in the name of Print
| Australia and I'm spitting chips!
| Josephine
| (you guys must know more about publishing and copyright than
| I)