

Thanks for the positive feedback. As Kent says, M.'s own post is the really
impressive one. I will probably get more detailed news tomorrow, but M. has
phoned to say that the demo he was on today led to violent confrontations
between P (fuzz) and militant demonstrators, but that the police disregarded
entirely the difference between peaceful  and violent, shooting two people
dead and wounding others, firing tear gas cartridges directly at
demonstrators' heads etc. M. himself, who is a very good tennis player (and
a big Viking former truck driver who don't scare easy), saw a p (fuzzy
individual) aiming a tear gas gun (cannon?) at him and instinctively warded
off the missile, saving his bacon but injuring his hand so that "it feels
like  someone had hammered it with a crowbar". The film he and his
collaborators took is now being appraised by their lawyer.