

Chris Jones wrote:

> > They gave me homework - I have to write a sonnet *sigh* #4?

> Josephine
> Sonnets are fun. Long out of print and hard to find, I think, but Susan
> Hampton's _White dog sonnets_  are a hoot. You don't have to follow the
> formal rules (iamic pentametre and all that) and even the so-called closing
> couplet is open to being opened.
> Chris Jones.

Hi Chris

So far I'm finding writing to a set format the equivalent of
painting by numbers. I drew me up a table of ten columns
(one per syllable) and fourteen lines - and then tried
filling in the squares. Not good. Trying to squash the sense
into a set line length and rhyme ending is excrutiating. I'm
not even thinking about the beat.

And verse, as Candice so aptly described, tends to send me
off to sleep.

Still working on it.

Picked up a copy of the Monkey's Mask from the Library
yesterday - now i just need someone to fill me in on who is
