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In honor of the Feast of St. Ignatius (July 31st) whose symbol is the BOOK,
here is a little levity for poets and writers.

 Having trouble getting your sestets polished, your iambics varnished?
 Pray to the patron saints of poets: St. Cecilia and St. David

 Difficulties as an editor of poets or novelists?
 Pray to the patron saint of editors: St. John Bosco

 Tribulations at the latest poetry slam?
 Pray to the patron saint of the spoken word: St. John Chrysostom

 Worried about that writing contest you entered?
 Pray to the patron saint of headache sufferers: St. Teresa of Avila

 About to take a "Creative Writing" teaching post?
 Pray to the patron saint of scholars: St. Brigid

 Seeking a secretary to help you send out your submissions?
 Pray to the patron saint of stenographers: St. Cassian [or St. Genesius]

 Fed up with poetry and thinking of writing a bestseller?
 Pray to the patron saints of authors: St. Lucy and St. Francis de Sales

  Non-Stop New York

 ==   Intoxicating Poetry Event  ==