

Thank you, Alison. I've just come back online after being out and off for
the past 6 hours and have found almost as many _personally abusive_ posts
directed at or to me by Kent. I'm not going to respond to anything but the
false allegation of having blocked his posts because (as those of you who
know me also know) I feel so strongly about censorship that this is the very
last thing I'd ever do to anyone between here and Skokie, Illinois. Whatever
my faults as part of the list-management team (there are no "moderators,"
pace Kent, on an unmoderated discussion list), I have never blocked anyone's
posts. As for removing Kent, I simply removed the additional address left on
the subscriber list after he'd removed himself. End of story.

And end of this tedious and personally-abusive "thread"--I hope!


on 7/11/01 9:35 PM, [log in to unmask] at [log in to unmask] wrote:

>> Alison, my point, exactly: if list members do not know who is being gagged
>> or bounced, they can hardly "decide for themselves" or be in a reasonable
>> position to "speak up accordingly"!
> Dear Kent, may I say for the record that _nobody_ blocked your messages
> and also to point out you resigned voluntarily and very publically from
> poetryetc.
> And to clear up snide implications, there is _no_ sneaky deleting of list
> members without everybody's knowledge.
> OK?
> A