

... Though I have to say that there's something more than mildly ironic in
finding Kent so firmly asserting his authentic identity and claiming and
disclaiming intellectual property-rights over the posts lodged under his
name (or not under his name, or whatever ...).

Robin Hamilton

>David Hess has put on quite a show, just as I warned the list he
>would. Part of his show has been to create a Hotmail account
>under my name, presenting a number of posts as if they were
>mine. (I had thought the content of the posts would make quite
>evident to anyone reading that they were his, but I seem to have
>been mistaken). The only posts I have written are under the
>kljohnson45 address. That's said for what it's worth; some on the
>list seem to have made up their minds about my acts and
>intentions, and I see that elaborate proposals are now being made
>to ban me from the list.