

Debra said

"Well, then, between you and the homophobic poessayist, this
should become real fun to read. Still doesn't make what you
wrote a
poem. In fact, when I read it, I thought you were mimicking
(sp) our
resident poessayist. As some of us say in the U.S., have a
Personally, I think you could make better use of your talent
and time
in other writing endeavors.
Debra Brown"

Hi Deb

It was bad timing I guess, that someone should post a god
poem so soon after I joined. As long as poem themes/content
dont contain god messages that I find offensive, this is
unlikely to happen again. My point here is that often
silence is assumed to be consent. If all of my fellow
aetheists spoke up everytime they were offended by god
messages the world would be a better place and the gullible
taken in by the church might wake up, or grow up and give up
their big daddy in the sky. In fact, had I the funds, I
would flood the media with 'wake up to reality' messages in
opposition to all the god recruiting that goes on in the

I have no idea who the 'poessayist' is, or what a
'poessayist' is? As for mimicking, I wish I had the talent!

As some of us say in the down under, what does 'have a nut'

Something warm and fuzzy to make up for it...

PS R, I liked the elves too.



poor possum
      half      a possum

where is your other half?
      over there      on the railroad track

your body drips
as I move you
off the road
as you move me

      (we don't want
       the kiddies to see
       you like this)

didn't you see the train?
or did you stand
frozen    watching
as it approached
in a roar of thunder and light
to extinquish your night

       J Severn