

I suspect that you have just defined my notion of a "Co-op".  It is done,
it has been done, it was always a good idea.  Fran

T. R. Healy and L. MacMahon wrote:
yes, and the deluxe calf bound catchpennies could be under a subpress: I am

Cd you send me a snail mail address bc Candice?

Oh, and Ali, I was talking to my evil twin brother and he suggested you
might get the best of both worlds (competitions, reviews and speedo
publishing) if you team up with a friend. Get them to start a press too and
you publish each others stuff exclusively. Simplicity itself. I'm amazed
that no one else has ever tried this.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Candice Ward" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: self-publication

If Mairead starts a press, she should call it Am I Read, right?

As for (O, pressed) me, I wanna be a pamphleteer! "Oh, what would Tom
doooo?" (and sing with The Fugs). Please send me your pamphlet, so I can
started--thanks, Randolph.


If anyone's interested in starting a press and doesn't want to use
or spiral binding, I've written a small pamphlet which explains how to
sew a
booklet. Lotsa pictures.


Randolph Healy

PS my spellchecker wants to change Mairead to airhead. I'm getting rid
of it
PPS Mairead, if you do start a press any chance of working BeeGee into
title (Byrne/Gudding)? The Heeby BeeGees maybe?