

-----Original Message-----
From: mindfight <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Saturday, 29 December 2001 1:50
Subject: Re: one more with feeling - Life is a drug....

>Marijuana, my drug of choice, only contested by red wine. i have nothing
>much to add:
>"It really puzzles me to see Marijuana connected with Narcotics - Dope and
>all that's a thousand times better than whiskey - it's an
>Assistant - a friend."  - Louis Armstrong
>(taken from Harvard MD Lester Grinspoon's )

can't say that grass has ever assisted me in any capacity. certainly after
sleeping on a couple of joints i sometimes wake up in the mood for writing.
but my attempts to write (or read) while stoned have all been wastes of

and it's hardly inspiring watching my grammar-school friends on week-long
bong binges, smoking grass purchased with their parents money.

nitrous oxide is fun for about 30 seconds.

but i think beer is the way to go.

