

Forwarding this item from the WOM-PO list with Jeffrey Levine's permission.
Please contact him directly <[log in to unmask]> if you're interested in
contributing or want to suggest other potential contributors.

Tupelo Press will be publishing, in late 2002 or early 2003, an anthology of
prose poems by 20 poets, both the already famous and the emerging. Ray
Gonzalez is the editor. We are developing a list of contributors and would
like to see greater representation by women, especially women who are
emerging poets (I'd say, between none and three books). So, I'm looking for
suggestions -- front channel, if you want to follow this thread and talk
about emerging women poets who write prose poems -- back channel, if you
*merely* want to make suggestions. Beyond that, feel free to suggest ANY
women prose poemers, and please don't be shy about suggesting your own work.
(When I refer to poets who write prose poems, I do not necessarily mean
those who work only in that genre, and, for purposes of this anthology, our
definition of prose poem includes just about any hybrid -- lyric essays,
part prose/part verse -- whatever you care to name.)