

> Robin writes:
> > And elsewhere and in another context, david b. invoked the name of
> > W.S.Graham.  Again a lyric to philosophic shift -- _Nightfishing_ to
> > _Malcolm Mooney's Land_ and _The Instruments in Their Places_?
> It's not quite as neat as that, I think. _The Nightfishing_ is a
> philosophical poem in the sense that it shows an obsession with
> flux:
>     I bent to the lamp. I cupped
>     My hand to the glass chimney.
>     Yet it was a stranger's breath
>     From out of my mouth that
>     Shed the light.
> Best wishes
> Matthew

Matthew is correct, and I was (more than perhaps) being a little glib
here -- but I do think there is more of a foregrounding of philosophical
issues (and different ones -- primarily language?) in MML and IITP.

But I don't know the earlier Graham as well as I should.  Not so much that I
shouldn't talk, as that I was hoping that, as happened with Matthew, someone
would say something more pertinent than I could.

But I +would+ be interested in Candice's take on the later Graham, given the
language dimension.  Grammersow and all.
