

Now hold your galloping horses there, Michael. No less an authority than
T.V.F. Brogan has personally telegrammed me to say the following: "Dear Kent
[stop] The a. is rare in Cl. prosody either as an independent unit or as a
continuous meter, and equally a rarity in the accentually based prosodies of
the mod. langs., suggesting it may not exist except as an experiment. [stop]
Tom [stop

I telegramed Tom back and this is what I said: Dear Tom: [stop] What I don't
get is this thing about how the foot 'may not exist'. [stop] I mean, I agree
that it doesn't exist, but how does an iamb or a trochee any more 'exist'
than an amphibrach or a pyrrhic 'exist'? [stop] Kent [stop]"

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