


Thank you. Yeterday, I was merely responding to Candice's silly and smarmy
smear, though it was a gentler version of the kind she bizarrely slung my
way during the jihad last month launched by David Hess and his
spontaneously-combusting adjutant, Carlo Parcelli. But as I said, I don't
want to get back into the whole issue. Let it be.

But I DO want to respond to one thing you said.

You said,

>I am impelled to comment on the recent "Lind-wurm thread (the dragon of
> >formalism) and the turn to the aggrieved putdown in your last mail...

No Martin, shining knight: The "dragon of formalism" is a fierce and good
and many-headed dragon. Please don't think I've thought a meeting here with
Lind and comrades, who are, at best, a broken horn on the one senile head at
the torso's far right, would be for purposes of slaying "formalism".

Not at all. Long live formalism.

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