

>Incidentally, would you like to expand on 'open form'?  I wouldn't take it
>as a subdivision of free verse, but as a particular trend within
>(predominantly) American poetry -- the line of Olson, Zukovsky, etc.  Was it
>Zukovsky who coined the term?  (Sorry if I've managed to commit several
>mistakes in the previous sentence -- I really +am+ asking for

I probably can't provide that. Indeed, you're probably right, it's a trend
in NA poetry. I think the term implies more than 'free verse' but that's
maybe just personal taste. I don't know if Zukofsky came up with it, but
there were a couple of anthologies in the 70s I think by that term...

btw I wasn't attacking you just that use of the term 'formalist'...


Douglas Barbour
Department of English
University of Alberta
Edmonton Alberta Canada T6G 2E5
(h) [780] 436 3320      (b) [780] 492 0521

        Beauty's whatever
        makes the adrenalin run.

                John Newlove