

Doug wrote:

>but will say that, aside from just nt being all that nothered by the byplay
>(it was read & dumped quite quickly), I do think the 'original' (hah!")
>Kent Johnson, in his excerpts from the interview, had some interesting
>points to make, & that (although I'm not sure I could ever create useful
>heteronyms; but do like to collaborate with other texts, & therefore,
>perhaps, lose 'self' as such in the act of writing) the problems he
>approaches are ones we could & can take seriously.

Yes, I agree - though I could wish the discussion could occur without
some of the surrounding material.

I am a little sad about the list abuse which is presently occuring.  See
how you feel after a couple of weeks of wading through logorrheic posts
and a rash of ill-tempered resignations, which have already started.
I've seen a list trashed before and it's not a pretty sight.

