

>Sisters~Nineties Literary Group
>and members of our
>Yari Yari Writing Program
>cordially invite you to a poetry reading
>for National Poetry Month
>Sunday, April 29, 2001
>5pm to 8pm
>at Prince Hall, 4411 N. Newstead
>Our reading will be highlighted with the works of artist Ron Herd of
>Memphis, Tennessee.  Herd is an art major at Washington University.  His
>work reflects the strong influence of the early days of jazz.
>Some of the children from the YARI YARI Writing Program will also have
>drawings on display from a workshop that Ron Herd conducted with them.  The
>class encouraged the young people to draw from the creative motivation of
>music from Louis Armstrong, John Coltrane, Duke Ellington, and Billie
>Guest poets include Wilma Potts, Chris Hayden, and others.
>Join us in the Prince Hall Community Room.  Refreshments will be served in
>the cafeteria on the lower level immediately following the reading.
>Call 367-4223 for more information.
>This event is free and all members of the community are welcome to attend.

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