

Not surprising, alas, on the heels of a Little-Mermaidizing of
Anastasia, which, for all I know, has an animated Busby Berkeley-
style production number featuring Anna Black's DNA sample jigging
with those of the Russian and German exiled royals who proved no
match for the lady's lifelong fantasy--Candice

At 10:29 AM 1/17/01 +1100, you wrote:
>All of which reminds me that I must comment on the butchery done to one
>of Australia's real classics, The Magic Pudding.  Not only have Lindsay's
>charming illustrations been uncharmingly Hollywoodised (though they bear
>some resemblance to the characters) but the particular anarchic comedy of
>the book has been completely repressed.  And there's a new plot line to
>"please the American market" because Americans are apparently too dumb to
>understand it.
>All this would be bad enough (if predictable) - but in bookshops they are
>selling "the book of the film", which I had a look at in a moment of
>masochism.  I can't understand the point of it at all: you take a durable
>classic, presumably because it has proved popular for more than half a
>century, and then surgically remove everything which makes it unique.
>What has this to do with poetry?  Well, Bunyip Bluegum is a man of the
>world and able to discourse charmingly about everything, "having read all
>the best Australian poets".
>Not in the film, though.