

>>Andrew Bolt was a member of the now defunct Australian chapter of the
>>fascist National Front, though he claims to have left it because of
>>its extremism.  He is obviously a more effective spokesman for those
>>values as a "decent, right thinking" individual.
>I didn't know that!
>Like Hanson, he claims to speak for the "silent majority", those holding
>onto "family values" in this corrupt world.  Those silenced by "political
>correctness", the "femocrats", "environmentalists", "intellectuals" and
>whoever else on that familiar list ... he is dangerous, like all very
>stupid people, since he never lets the facts get in the way of a good
>story.  Another of his articles exposed the "sham" of global warming, the
>week before the UN released its very pessimistic statement about the its
>now irreversible and immediate effects.   The UN report was not, I think,
>covered in the Herald Sun.
Hey, we have one of those guys here in Edmonton, an unconscious flak for
Alberta's now thiry-year-long ruling party which wants to keep burning
everything in sight (& selling it all down the river to the US at whateber
loss to us). This fellow, Lorne Gunter, brings out another column on the
'fact' theat the globe is not really warming at all due to human
interference, every 2 months or so. Like many of these people, he has only
a few concepts ('ideas' never disturb his mind) -- another is the great
danger & waste of gun control laws -- & he turns from one to another in a
never-ending round...

Douglas Barbour
Department of English
University of Alberta
Edmonton Alberta Canada T6G 2E5
(h) [780] 436 3320      (b) [780] 492 0521

        I don't need to
        hold back here
        in the union

        of forms
                Charles Olson