

Alan Sondheim keeps track of how many references to his name there are
on the Google search engine. I thought I'd try the experiment with my
own, but too many people share my name. I tried adding "poetry" as an
additional search criterion, and pretty well all the references were to
me. I followed up some of the links I didn't recognise. One of them took
me to a poetry workshop bulletin board, where someone had posted one of
my poems, in its entirety. The context suggested they were using it as
an example of a well-wrought poem about flowers. I was flattered by
that, of course, but what about the small, but undeniable, breach of my
copyright? I was delighted. My poetry was thought worth ripping off. It
was a palpable assertion of my identity as a poet.

I don't condone breaches of copyright, though. Poets have a right to
control distribution of their work, if they want to.