

From: fshck@UMAC on 19/02/2001 10:17 PM

         thanks for that ...
i think earliest personal memories and the processes by which they're subject to
reconstruction are a handy way into all sorts of links between the creative and
let's say the teleological... they've always been an essential part, and often a
first class, of writing and poetry courses i've taught...i find they're
something easily demanded across cultures too

an anthology of earliest memories delivered in the format you've given would be
a winner i think
it would be interesting to see more posted, in whatever format, on this list...

i personally have two: for different occasions i guess and i honestly can't
remember which comes first... one is of the plumber coming in when i was on the
toilet, the other is of being told to shut up while JFK was being assassinated
on the telly that arrived the year i did

          i've alway been intrigued by my father's earliest memory which is
simply: snow

Christopher Kelen,
English Dept, University of Macau,
Taipa, Macau SAR, CHINA

grannies big pink underpants
is what i think of
when they ask me
to go babk to my earliest memories
under her warm black dress
next to her big pink underpants
elastic round the edges
left railroads
across  her soft white/pink skin
that smelt so sweet
so, so, soft to touch
lying for hours
cuddling closely
to grannies big pink underpants

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