

Daniel Jab wrote:

<<Well, I certainly appreciate all the pleasant responses. By
popular demand this will be my last post on this issue....>>

    Well, not quite _last_--if you count the childishly nasty
billy-do sent to me back-channel. But I'm going to let it go,
having gotten a laugh out of a reference to my "intellectual
insecuritites" (in your dreams, Daniel!), and having been none
too gentle with this Frankfurt schoolboy myself.

But it seems like a good time to mention the way that some of us
are now handling listserv-related back-channel abuse and harassment
(as a result of recent problems on another list). It's proved
remarkably effective to "out" the offending back-channeler simply
by forwarding his (rarely _her_) b-c message to the list. Once
appears to be enough in most cases to send the back-channeler
diving for cover.

