

Perfection is often terrifying to us humans. I suppose "no imperfection"
implies what it says "no imperfection". And i also gather He who is Perfect
automatically makes those who are imperfect imperfect. Its like talking
about the illogical. The illogical is only illogical because logic is what
it is, it has no subsistence on its own, it either conforms to logic or it
fails. And you have beffudled the criteria for perfection, its not how fast
you can run the mile nor if you can construct a non-sentence. Field-dog,

On Sat, 10 Feb 2001 10:59:27 +1100, S. K. Kelen <[log in to unmask]>

>>The order of which I speak is perfect
>>freedom in perfect love, in which there is no need for laws because there
>>will be no imperfection. What are the alternatives? how else would you
>More liebensraum for the perfect!
>I get spooked every time I see the idea of a perfect world.  No
>imperfection?  What does that imply?  Who says what's perfect or who
>is perfect - and those who are less than perfect where are they sent?
>Can you run a four minute mile?  Can you make a sentence using the
>words  dog, fox and field?