

I don't know if anyone mentioned the current issue of Michael Rothenberg's "Big
Bridge" (out of Pacifica, CA):
September 11, 2001
The Language of War and Peace

Michael asked a number of poets for their reactions to the events of 9-11 and the
range, I believe, defies mere sentiment with comments from "words fail" to some
interesting poetry and observations. Take for instance Bill Berkson:


A large US flag flaps loudly outside our dining room, suspended on a pole
from the topmost balcony across the way. I keep taking it for some poor
thug running through the late September night, sneakers smacking.


Frank Parker
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----- Original Message -----
From: "John Tranter" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 9:17 PM
Subject: The D & M, from a real pro

| Here's something  D & M* from a real pro. BBC news says today:
| "Poet laureate Andrew Motion has written a poem for the BBC's live coverage
| of the Westminster Abbey service in memory of the British people who died
| in the US attacks on 11 September. [....] His role includes marking special
| state events with a poem, and previous works include the marriage of Prince
| Edward to Sophie Rhys Jones and the Queen Mother's 100th birthday
| celebrations."
| Here it is:
|                      The Voices Live, by Andrew Motion
|            The voices live which are the voices lost:
|            we hear them and we answer, or we try
|            but words are nervous when we need them most
|            and shutter, stop, or dully slide away
|            so everything they mean to summon up
|            is always just too far, just out of reach,
|            unless our memories give time the slip
|            and learn the lesson that heart-wisdoms teach
|            of how in grief we find a way to keep
|            the dead beside us as our time goes on -
|            invisible and silent but the deep
|            foundation of ourselves, our cornerstone.
| ___________________________
| * D & M: Deep and Meaningful