

> (I'm a non gambler myself btw)
> Ah but the poems hiding there! Yes, one of my great admirations is for those
> parts of Middlemarch which describe both the horse-trading circuit and the
> bar-room billiards ambience. That, I've always thought, for a middle-class
> Victorian woman, despite the novel's faults, was an extraordinary
> achievement.

Ah, yes, had forgotten that. So there you go. I'm also a non-gambler, as is
probably bleeding obvious. My small drop of Cornish blood hasn't made me tinny
one iota, I prefer to play to my limited strengths than my glaring weaknesses.
But I have always been constantly surprised to find out about those who do bet,
lucky or not, and especially those who have an eye for the horses, including
many women of my acquaintance. Indeed, some of them are part owners in a nag
and have been in corporate seats at The Cup. It's definitely a gift, that whole
knowledge of the track thing.
