

I am currently having great fun with my 'Kitten POems'
pamphlet. Creating POstscript files and editing text,
consulting with my printer, and getting the cat photographed
this afternoon for the front cover.

My memory tells me that there must be one change in my usual
routine. I usually send 5 copies to Mr A.T.Smail at Euston
Road, LOndon for distribution to the Copyright LIbraries.
I think this has changed but cant find the documentation.
I have an address for the Legal Deposit Office at Boston Spa,
Yorkshire. Does this replace Mr Smail.

If I were a member of the British-poets list I would ask there,
but I know Robin Hamilton and DAvid Bircumshaw are working on
a book so I thought I would ask here. THanks in advance for any

Douglas Clark, Bath, England           mailto: [log in to unmask]
Lynx: Poetry from Bath  ..........