

All I'm saying is that it's seems to be the title of a Neruda poem, & that
the e-mail format lost all that.

I tend to prefer a few of Page's poems, much more private I guess you'd
say, where her rather florid metaphoric imagination goes to work & 'sees'
things... She;s definitely a poet who came into poetry in the late 30s,
early 40s, out of Auden etc, & sllowly moved toward an openness that, at
its best, can be fine, indeed.

But then, in the Canadian manner, I'm a bit eclectic about these things...

Douglas Barbour
Department of English
University of Alberta
Edmonton Alberta Canada T6G 2E5
(h) [780] 436 3320      (b) [780] 492 0521

        Someone to talk to, for God's sake, some-
thing to love that will never hit back

                Phyllis Webb