

Re: US Tragedy
Also, you make no reference to Clarke's happy hopes.  You are very strange, Mr. Duemer.  You make me out to be worse than Clarke's friends who just killed 20,000 people in New York.

For years we have been regaled with a continual attack by people like you on the institutions and persons who lead America.  _100 Days_, a quagmire of poisonous garbage, is a work you and your's created to slander the current President.  This work devalues the man and his office and permits such remarks as

Osman has been brilliant

to pass without comment by you and your's.  Comment on this, comment on this.

But all you can do is tell me to go to hell and slander me.  Strange.  Sad.  Pathetic.  Quisling.


Richard Dillon,
since you have named me I will respond. I find your bloodlust postings pornographic--do you get a hardon when you write them? I am tired of fanatical killers & their supporters like you. Go to hell.
Joseph Duemer
School of Liberal Arts, 5750
Clarkson University
Potsdam NY 13699
