

Ali Alizadeh asked: "'Projective Verse' was published in 1950. Am I the
only person in the world pre-occupied with it?"

to which I answer, No. I reread it with pelasure every few years, & I try
to get my writing students to read it & learn...

Of course, the LANGUAGE poets have either a) moved beyond its formulations,
or b) demonstrated their limitations, especially in a kind of return to
artifices of writing. Nevertheless, the 'lessons' contained therein are
still of value, as are O's poems...

Douglas Barbour
Department of English
University of Alberta
Edmonton Alberta Canada T6G 2E5
(h) [780] 436 3320      (b) [780] 492 0521

        Someone to talk to, for God's sake, some-
thing to love that will never hit back

                Phyllis Webb