

I think there may be a culture glitch here. I know where Avebury is, but
the rest just whizzed past me.

Look Magazine was an American periodical with for many decades the second
largest weekly circulation in the US. Its format was almost identical to
Life, but with fewer pretensions. It died in the late 70s, if I remember
rightly. Sometime in the late 50s it ran several large spreads of very
hairy beatniks in rundown New York apartments. It's where I first became
aware of them. The coverage was supposed to portray them as something of a
national disgrace, but I was filled with longing. It's a while ago. I
suspect that there's  Brit publication with the same name.


At 01:16 AM 9/11/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>  Look Magazine's coverage of The Betty and Barney Hill Abduction  The
>scandal continues to be the coverage blackout   While in incurious 'Poetry'
>this topic has been relegated to science fiction, even as another Rubik
>matematikal paradigm busting mandala is drawn in the wheat in Avebury.
> and now everything is scandal coverage, it seems.
> tom
> > A lot of scandal coverage in Look Magazine, maybe?
> >
> > Mark
> >
> --