

        (taking advantage of local color)

"Mr. H., see your last few Wednesdays
languishing in the corral?
They have foot in mouth disease."

"I know, they wax a bit poetical,
is that what's wrong?"
"Yes, it's the damn flab, too wordy

to billboard, too obscure to show
honestly to schoolkids.  Are you
some kind of fop or New Yorker?"

"What do I do with the things?
They took only a few minutes
but I'm sort of attached."

"Gosh, I didn't know you was
a Wednesday lover of verbiage.
We'll keep 'em penned up, see

if they slim down a bit.  If
the're no takers, we'll stampede
them out past some gathering
anthologies near Iowa or Buffalo."

Westcliffe, CO 4:27 PM 5 September 2001