

You tipped your dish to receive deeper signals from a unseen source,
or so it seemed.  The Dark was ascending.  Little did we know that
this was your last moment of overt public power.  Just at the height
of your presence here on earth the weakening commenced.  First a
frieze of tan tatoos appeared atop your bald pate.  Would it rather
have been the vermillion of endless lifefire that had manifested.
Not this.  Not this mousey brown curling inward that hasn't stopped
in the hours now days that followed your final moment of greatness.
Tank shaped scavengers commenced their feeding at your roots, nasty
brutes, too.  As you curl and brown out you seem to be turning into
the loam itself.  We would have preferred that you remain formidable
and potent casting fierce shadow.  We would have preferred that you
change the world around you.  Short of this an explosion from within
and then an explosion up top with the whole fearsome shape launched
over the planet come crashing down in one fantastic blasted finale,
with many fleeing, running for their lives.  This would have been
better than what you leave us with: A falling downward inward into
being eaten by mediocre terrible monsters.  Not this, some other
fate, one worthy of the esteemed account, "Hallucination."

>Yes, it's that time of the week again - Snapshots day
>is tomorrow.  That 24 hours from 12am in your part of
>the world, post a poetic instamatic to poetryetc for
>inclusion in the project.  I remember an arbitrary
>word limit of 100 words, but many people spilt past
>that last week - I don't mind, since the results are
>so interesting, but no epics - maybe we'll say about
>250 words -
>Best to all
> - Father's Day Shopping
>- Find the perfect gift for your Dad for Father's Day
