


"She sometimes suspected that these games were
mathematical in nature, based upon some sort of
built-in computer system in those rather remarkable
children which they had not yet discovered that other
people did not possess."

- Iris Murdoch, _The Nice and the Good_.


Who knows if it is worth the trouble? It is in
the trouble itself that its worth, its truth, is held
to reside: like forcing a clam, or forcing down
an oyster, if you can imagine what that's like.
I won't spare you the sarcasm as I have much
to spare and all the time. It's good to spread.
Globules of currency stifle and digest
the ancient stone heads; take villages; erase
whole children. The spirit starts from its old haunts.
You pester us with this and say there's more,
there is more, to be taken at a pinch. A jab
of prose suffices us: skywriting or the carefully laid
twig or torn leaf marking the track. Safety first
then numbers, then what? To the bunkers, fink.

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