Practice as Research in Performance Symposium

10-11 November 2001

Department of Drama: Theatre, Film, Television

University of Bristol



PARIP (Practice as Research in Performance) is a five-year AHRB-funded project led by Professor Baz Kershaw and the Department of Drama: Theatre, Film, Television at the University of Bristol.


PARIP’s objectives are to investigate creative–academic issues raised by practice as research, where performance is understood in terms of theatre, dance, film, video and television. As a result of PARIP’s investigations and in collaboration with colleagues, educational institutions and professional bodies throughout the UK and Europe PARIP aims to develop a national framework for the encouragement of the highest standards in representing practical–creative research within academic contexts.


The first PARIP symposium is scheduled for the weekend of 10-11 November 2001. We have 60 places available for participants who wish to meet with other practitioner–researchers to discuss and present practice as research. We therefore invite you to send us short proposals (maximum 2 sides of A4 — images/texts or equivalent) to indicate your level of participation. Although we welcome proposals for traditional papers, we are particularly interested in contributions that seek to present practice as research in challenging ways.


With a view to presenting ideas/results of PARIP’s first year and to facilitate the networking of those involved in practice as research the symposium will take place in the Wickham Theatre here in the Department of Drama, Theatre, Film, Television, University of Bristol.


Please send your proposals by 3 September to:


Dr Angela Piccini


Cantocks Close

Woodland Road

Bristol BS6 5BN

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(0117) 954-5474