

Is there a useful medical (non medicolegal) function for
occupational audiometric surveillance that cannot be achieved by
hygiene measures alone?

Date sent:              Wed, 18 Apr 2001 21:54:38 +0100
Send reply to:          Geoff Helliwell <[log in to unmask]>
From:                   Geoff Helliwell <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:                Re: Hearing tests
To:                     [log in to unmask]

HSE published methodology in 1995 - they expect a booth meeting appropriate BS (haven't got chapter and verse on my tongue tonight).
There is only one reference to a legislative requirement for audiometry, MHSAW Regs 1999 say "would normally be expected" at >105dBa (you will be nowhere near there).
So if the drive is not HSE compliance, perhaps you are being asked to do it to measure the effectiveness of their Noise Control programme, or for Employer's Liability Insurance purposes - I would suggest doing either of these things without full Quality Control procedures, including calibration
of audiometers, training of staff to British Audiology Society standard, and assessment of booth - would be a waste, it would certainly not stand up in court of law as a defence for a civil claim.
As 14% will get 30dB loss in 30 years work at 80dBa (the effect of Presbycusis)and 16% at 85, and 30% at 90dBa - how will you tell the difference in this level of handicap if your lack of booth could add 10 to 15dBa to the perceived threshold?
The customer can be king, but be sure they have appropriate advice before they make their decision to have non-booth audiometry or your NHS trust may become liable for the eventual civil claim costs that cannot be defended (how does the NHS handle this type of liability ?).

Why do you not have a booth for use within your own NHS trust ?

Dr. Geoff Helliwell MB ChB CIH FFOM MIOSH
Medical Director
WellWork Ltd. UK

-----Original Message-----
From: This list will be of interest to all practitioners of occupational
and envi [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of [log in to unmask]
Sent: 18 April 2001 19:51
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Hearing tests

As a relatively new recruit to the world of occupational medicine — doing a
couple of sessions for our local NHS trust-I would value the lists advice.

The trust has been looking for some outside contracts and a local
manufacturing company has approached us to provide their occupational health
service. I have not visited the site, as yet, but I understand that there are
areas within the factory where the First action level is exceeded and ear
protectors are provided.

The company is keen for us to provide preemployment hearing tests — whilst we
have trained nurses and a pure tone audiometer- we donot have a purpose built
test booth.

I understand that a noise survey is carried out, on a regular basis, by an
outside contractor.

Under these circumstances does the list feel that it would be appropriate for
us to be carrying out hearing tests in a quiet but not sound proofed room?

Alex Swan
Occupational Health Department
Northampton General Hospital


Dr. Anil Adisesh
Consultant in Occupational Medicine
Cardiff & Vale NHS Trust
University Hospital of Wales
Denbigh House
Heath Park
Cardiff CF14 4XW
Tel. 029 - 20743264
Fax. 029 - 20744411
email [log in to unmask]