

I think new media criticism is much more visible than it used to be. Some
selected snippets below.

Not always about new media, but very useful for an overall picture of the
'mediascape' and some radical socio-economic tracts:

Also, this may be stating the obvious, but the nettime publication
'README!' was an early stab at new media critique and praxis. Lots of
'hacktivism' in there too, but some still relevant discussions on new
media, net art, '', and their respective contexts. Available from V2
or Autonomedia. Or check out the online archive:

Also, had to get a plug in somewhere! I wrote an article for COIL magazine
a couple of years ago which looks at parallels between web art practice and
video art: I argue that
the specific technologies and contexts may have changed, but the tactics
and modes of address employed by artists are not so different.


Chris Byrne                          [log in to unmask]
New Media Scotland                 Tel. +44 141 564 3010
P.O. Box 25065, Glasgow G1 5YP     Fax. +44 141 564 3011
Scotland, UK          