

With apologies for cross-postings

>Dear Colleague
>This e-mail is being sent as a reminder to register and to inform you that 
>the deadline date has been extended to June 29th.
>Joint Meeting of the Royal Society of Chemistry Gas Kinetics Discussion
>Group and the NERC COSMAS (Core Strategic Measurements for Atmospheric 
>Science) Core Strategic Programme:
>"Gas Kinetics and Atmospheric Chemistry"
>University of Leeds, U.K.  11th - 12th September 2001
>Invited speakers include:
>Professor William H. Brune
>(Department of Meteorology, Penn State University, Pennsylvania, USA)
>"An aerial view of tropospheric chemistry: Results from recent aircraft
>Professor Michael J. Pilling
>(School of Chemistry, University of Leeds, U.K.),
>"Applications of chemical kinetics in combustion"
>Professor A.R. Ravishankara
>(NOAA Aeronomy Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado, USA)
>"Cavity ring down spectroscopy and atmospheric chemistry - from the lab to 
>the field"
>All PI's on NERC COSMAS funded projects will also be invited to make
>The meeting will combine the biennial summer meeting of the Gas Kinetics
>Discussion Group with the first science meeting of the NERC COSMAS
>programme.  The COSMAS component will cover laboratory chemistry,
>spectroscopy and instrumentation for atmospheric studies.  In addition, a
>session devoted entirely to topics associated with gas kinetics will also
>take place.
>Atmospheric scientists and gas kineticists of all disciplines are
>encouraged to attend - registration details are given below.  For further
>information please contact the local organiser, Dr. Dwayne E. Heard
>([log in to unmask])
>"Gas Kinetics and Atmospheric Chemistry"
>University of Leeds, U.K.  11th - 12th September 2001
>Venue:  School of Chemistry, University of Leeds (talks); Devonshire Hall,
>University of Leeds (posters and accommodation)
>Registration and Accommodation fee: (Dinner, bed and breakfast at
>Devonshire Hall, Lunches at Leeds University)  £130 (full) £ 70 (graduate
>To register: Please fill in the form below and return to Mrs Michelle
>Dowson at NERC (address below) before June 29th 2001.  Payment is also 
>preferred before June 29th, but can be made upon arrival.  If you intend 
>to pay upon arrival please stipulate that you shall attend the meeting. 
>(N.B. All participants registered by June 29th will be liable to pay the 
>full registration fee).  Please make cheques payable to the Natural 
>Environment Research Council.
>Registration Form:
>First Name:
>email address:
>Type of *registration (including accommodation):  Full (£130)  Graduate 
>Student (£70)
>Type of *registration (excluding accommodation): Full (£100)  Graduate 
>Student (£40)
>* Please indicate
>I enclose payment of  £
>I shall be attending and will pay upon arrival
>I would like to present a talk/ poster entitled:
>Accommodation required at Devonshire Hall on 11th September ?
>Special dietary requirements ?
>Please return this form to Michelle Dowson, <[log in to unmask]>
>Atmospheric Science,
>Science Programmes Directorate,
>Natural Environment Research Council,
>Polaris House,
>North Star Avenue,
>Swindon, SN2 1EU, UK.
>any registration enquiries please contact Michelle Dowson <[log in to unmask]>
>any other enquiries please contact local organiser Dwayne Heard
>([log in to unmask]) or GKDG secretary David Rowley
>([log in to unmask])