

As a student in 1950 I spent three weeks at each of Cadley Hill
and Bretby No 3 Collieries, near Swadlincote, South Derbyshire.

As part of the mining course I had to write a report describing the 
mines, the methods used, equipment employed, etc, etc.  I have 
recently unearthed the report, and now have a typed version. I am
wondering  if it might be of interest to anyone in the group?  It runs 
to just short of 17,000 words.

At the time, both mines were under a newly-transferred manager 
who had the thankless task of trying to improve productivity.
Part of his plan involved opening up an unworked area of the 
comparatively shallow Main Coal seam.  However, this was on 
fire to the west of the shafts and flooded to the east, so the task
would not be not easy.  Anyone know what happened after 1950?

Tony Brewis