

Dear all,
Please have a look at this consultation document which has also been circulated onto the normal-birth research list for comments. I am collating responses, so please send to this list. I do not normally send attachments, but this has been checked for viruses.

Best wishes
Review of Risk and Health

As part of a review commissioned by the MRC and ESRC we are consulting researchers from a wide range of disciplines, and health practitioners and users organisations. Attached to this email is an initial draft of our review, which identifies the policy context, current research evidence and possible issues that may be productive topics for future research in risk and health. We very much hope that you will participate in this consultation exercise and will provide observations on this draft. We are particularly interested in hearing your views about promising research areas and important user needs. We have provided boxes in the texts in which you can place your comments on individual sections of the review plus a box at the end for overall comments.

The time scale for this exercise is relatively short. We are aiming to produce a revised version of the review taking into account the feedback from this consultation by the end of November. So we would appreciate receiving your comments by the 23rd November. If you cannot manage to respond by that date, then later comments would still be helpful as we continue working on the review in December.

There will also be a consultative workshop on the 14th December 1.00-6.00 at the BMA.  If you would like to attend this event please could you let us know asap as we are trying to finalise numbers.  

Yours sincerely

Andy Alaszewski and Tom Horlick-Jones

Andy Alaszewski

Director and Professor of Health Studies
Centre for Health Services Studies
University of Kent at Canterbury
Kent CT2 7NF
Tel +44 (0) 1227 827645/827851
Fax +44 (0) 1227 827826

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Dr  Jane Sandall
Professor of Midwifery and Women's Health
Florence Nightingale School of Nursing & Midwifery
King's College, London
57 Waterloo Road, London
Tel: 020 7848 3605
Fax: 020 7848 3506
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Moderator Midwifery Research Discussion List
for ICM Research Standing Committee