Having had my original message on this subject rejected by the jiscmail
server (sent from the wrong email account!) I find that others have covered
all of my points and more besides. I would, however, like to support Tim's
idea of a seminar and to endorse the points made about volunteers. I think
that Ian Crawley's comments show a fundamental lack of awareness of the
importance of such people to the operation of many small and volunteer-run
museums. By taking an interest and freely giving their time to the benefit
of the museum, volunteers  and "untested and unskilled people" contribute an
enormous amount to these organisations as well as gaining experience and
knowledge. I also reject the implication that volunteers are not fit people
to design and maintain museum websites. Volunteers bring a wide range of
additional kills to museum work and their efforts should not be denigrated.

Of course standards need to be raised, but this can be achieved in a
positive and safe environment. The mda Advice Point is available for anyone
seeking further information and guidance on web site development. Other
initiatives such as affordable training sessions and discussion lists seem
to be a more positive way forward than the Museum Webguide.

Best wishes,



Dr Matthew Stiff
Head of Standards
19 Riverside Road

Tel:     +44 (0)1865 200561
Fax:    +44 (0)1865 200561 (by arrangement)
email:  [log in to unmask]
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URL    www.mda.org.uk