> I'm doing some research on ICT usage/access
Try the mda.  http://www.mda.org.uk/   They do an annual survey of ICT in museums.
Wendy Sudbury
Dr Wendy Sudbury
Cambridge Management Group
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-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Meaney <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 16 March 2001 08:20
Subject: Query on ICT usage

I'm doing some research on ICT usage/access and was wondering if anybody
knew of research/data on the following:

- ICT usage generally within the UK: %age with access to PCs and Internet,
split by socio-demographic grouping

- Ditto, for London

- Ditto for Wales

I'm searching other sources as well - if anyone else is interested, I'm
happy to share the results.


Chris Meaney (AIMC)
Managing Director

Harvard Consultancy Services Ltd, Bexin House, 2/3 St. Andrews Place
Southover Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1UP
Tel: 01273 897517, Fax: 01273 471929, E-Mail: [log in to unmask]

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