

Found this on the UCAS web site:
Perhaps some colleagues in libraries of teacher training institutions
can find more detailed sources? I have my doubts about UCAS's version
though, because they say that Oxford & Cambridge Board only issued raw
marks, but I sat mine in 1970 and definitely got numeric grades, on the
1-9, 7-9 being fails, system that other correspondents have outlined.
How it brings it back, for it must have been about 31 years to the day
since I was sitting in a hot classroom, doing the French oral (trick
question: Quel temps fait-il aujourd-hui? If you looked at your watch,
you were automatically failed). Going off at a tangent, when did
colleagues stop putting the grades on their cvs? I don't even list the
subjects anymore, just the number passed.

Tom Roper, Head of RCVS Library and Information Service
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