

There are still a few places available on this workshop......

Lecturer/Librarian partnerships for effective learning in Art & Design.

A one-day workshop for lecturers, librarians and staff development personnel.  
The London Institute.  14th Februry 2001.

Aims:  To offer librarians and lecturers an opportunity to examine their roles in support of student learning and to identify ways to collaborate more effectively.

Participants:  The workshop combines lecturers and librarians but can also be useful for staff development personnel who may wish to develop something similar in their own institutions.

Outcomes:  As a result of attending this workshop, participants will be able to:
    Identify their roles as promoters of student learning

    Devise strategies for working together

    Plan staff development to support these strategies

    Collaborate to develop and implement effective student learning activities

Provider:  The Centre for Learning & Teaching in Art & Design

Location:  The London Institute

Date:  14th February 2001

Cost:  £140

Workshop Leaders:

    Richard Downing:   Information Management Consultant specialising in the integration of F/HE             teaching staff (and their teaching methods) with information resources and with the information
    professionals who manage them.
    Julia Gaimster:   Course Director HND Fashion Design & Technology at the London College of             Fashion.  Seconded to TLTP project 'Drawing and Learning' and building a course website.
    Research  interests are IT in the fashion curriculum and the development of RBL and distance             learning.
Further information and bookings:

Felix Lam, Co-ordinator, The Centre for Learning & Teaching in Art & Design,
c/o The London Institute,  65, Davies Street, London W1Y 2DA

Tel:  0207 514 8162 (dd)

Fax:  0207 514 6994

E-Mail:  [log in to unmask]   or  [log in to unmask]


Workshop details: