

These are two new British Library courses for 2001! Find out why these
topics are important and need not be boring!

The copyright course features BL resident expert Graham Cornish -  23

Everything you need to know about how the law works, ownership and owners'
rights, limitations to these rights, contracts and permissions and the
all-important networked environment issues, not to mention the international
dimension. The course will help you to handle with confidence copyright
issues in your own organisation.

Trade mark power: how to harness it for business success - 20 February. 

As consumer power and internet trading grow business managers and
information professionals will need to know much more about the value of
trade marks and how this power can be protected and developed for the
benefit of their organisations. Expert speakers from the Trade Mark Registry
and Appleyard Lees patent and trade mark agents will cover the business and
legal background, and how trade marks are registered and protected, and the
afternoon will cover trade mark searching featuring the key databases.

There are still places available for our e-commerce evening talks - only £25

Please see our new web pages for further details of all these plus
information on how to book:

Roslyn Cotton
Training Course Manager
British Library RS&CD Marketing
96 Euston Road
London NW1  2DB
020 7412 7959